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Nowadays, a quick search on one’s phone can give people the information they need. When renting Airbnbs or hostels, anyone can go to their accommodations any time they want without any hassle, thanks to self-check-in technology. Waiting in line while in the hospital is much more tolerable nowadays, and shopping is much easier with the help of custom apps by brands and shopping malls.
And who would have thought that the same could apply to the long airport lines and queues? Now, self-check-ins in the airports make the whole process smoother and more accommodating. No one would probably think of going back to the old-school ways again.
How self-service started
Self-service can be traced back to 1916. The first self-service store was opened by a grocer in Memphis, TN, named “Piggly Wiggly.” Then, a self-service gas station was also opened in the United Kingdom in the 1960s.
Presently, self-service kiosks are available in many companies and establishments. The usual ways of using self-service kiosks are ordering food and paying for it with your credit card. Most people have already enjoyed the experience of using these self-service kiosks because of their convenience, especially those who are in a hurry.
However, some establishments are still not yet familiar with the concept of self-service or find it a bit intimidating. There is a need to reach out to these establishments to let them know about the great benefits of self-service, particularly in high-traffic places like restaurants, supermarkets, hospitals, and airports.
Why self-service technology can be advantageous to your business
Businesses that are still using the old ways of doing things might think that self-service might negatively affect their business. However, this is not the case. According to a report from Bank of America, self-service kiosks in the United States have been reported to increase sales by between 20- and 40%.
Self-service kiosks and technology have made life easier for people who don’t want to wait or simply want to avoid the hassle of going through the long queues in their most important destinations.
The power of going mobile
When using a self-service machine or kiosk, people can access their accounts and pay bills without leaving their homes as long as they have a good internet connection. It is a great option to consider, especially because of its convenience.
A considerable percentage of people usually want to use self-service machines because they are the most straightforward option. People can avoid the hassle of going to the physical establishments of the stores and restaurants, which is known to be the slowest way to access things.
Self-service airport in the future
The trend of self-service is becoming popular more than ever. People would love to use self-service machines, especially in places with high traffic like airports.
Organizations can take advantage of the demand for self-service machines by implementing self-service kiosks in airports. The high traffic of the airports makes them an ideal place to put self-service taxis. It is a great strategy that can be added to their list of increasing revenues and customer satisfaction.
There are airports around the globe that are now using self-service kiosks. From people paying for their things to their flight schedules, they can easily get all the information they need.
Businesses can also utilize self-service machines in their establishments. People will easily be able to order their food, pay their bills, and get the exact amount of their change. The self-service machines have already helped many establishments, and they can help your business too.
A glimpse at the future of common touchscreens
Another trend of self-service is the result of the “new normal”. It’s an era in which we have now fallen into due to the global COVID pandemic. The result of will determine how we’ll interact with common touchscreens in the future. From McDonald’s self-service touchscreen to Airports check-in booths, touching a common touchscreen will be less and less hygienic. What will be the role of your smartphone in this new future? How will you interact with touchscreens that everyone touches as well?
At Fleksy, we’re thinking of our role in a more hygienic future. Coupled with advanced technology partners, we’re shaping a new era of touch-less interactions.
People are always on their phones and on the move. Businesses need to adapt to the fast-changing world by incorporating new things into their business, like self-service kiosks. It is the right time for companies to take advantage of the changing world before they are left behind.
If you want to take steps towards this progress, you can start by getting in touch with us at Fleksy to know how we can do it with you. Jumpstart your technology venture now and contact us.